All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is inspired on Keep a Changelog. This project uses Semantic Versioning.
1.0.0b0 - 15-04-2023
- Improving docs.
- Functional test of examples.
- Readers are now independent tasks. Instead of having a File task that uses readers we have a ReadCsv task, a ReadJson task... One per each format. This removes a lot of complexity.
- Paths are relative to the config file they are defined.
1.0.0a1 - 02-04-2023
- Loading files relative to the configuration file.
- Adding
: task for pronouncing text using Google Translator. - Adding more docs.
1.0.0a0 - 06-03-2023
A complete rewrite of the mnemocards package. Some features are missing.