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This example will demonstrate how to create custom Mnemocards tasks to process your flashcards in any way you desire.


This example assumes a basic knowledge of Python. If you are not familiar with Python, it is recommended that you first learn the basics of the language before attempting to create custom Mnemocards tasks.

We will be generating a sequence of numbers using a for loop, multiplying each number by a factor of 2, and then printing the resulting numbers. All that using custom Mnemocards tasks.


You can find the final source code for this example in the repo.


The custom tasks will be defined in a Python module, located in the same directory as your mnemocards.yaml configuration file.


The name is arbitrary, and you can choose any name you prefer. However, some names may hide existing Python modules, so using names like os, sys, or mnemocards for your plugin file would be problematic.

As the first step, create an empty directory for this example. Inside that directory, create two empty files: mnemocards.yaml and

Data source

Every Mnemocards pipeline usually begins with a task that reads data from a source. Without data in our pipeline, there would be nothing to process. Therefore, the first thing we are going to do in our example is to create a task that injects cards into the main pipeline.

It is common to read information from a file or a web resource, but to simplify the example, we will simply generate a series of consecutive numbers.
from mnemocards import Task

class NumberGenerator(Task):
    """Yield a series of numbers."""
    def process(self, _):
        for i in range(3):
            yield {"number": i}

To create a custom task, you will first define a class that extends the mnemocards.Task base class. In this class, you can implement the process method to perform any transformations on the input data or generate new input data. You can also implement the start and end methods to perform any setup and teardown tasks that your task requires.

Once you have defined your custom task class, you can use it in your mnemocards.yaml configuration file by specifying the fully qualified class name as the task type. Update your config file with the following content:

  - type: plugin.NumberGenerator
  - type: Print

In this configuration file we are telling Mnemocards that we want to run our number generator first and then, just to make sure it is working correctly, we print each of the generated dictionaries.

If you run mnemocards run from a terminal in the project directory, you will see an output similar to:

$ mnemocards run
║║║║║║║╣ ║║║║ ║│  ├─┤├┬┘ ││└─┐
╩ ╩╝╚╝╚═╝╩ ╩╚═╝└─┘┴ ┴┴└──┴┘└─┘ 1.0.0a0
│ I have a photographic memory... I need to take a photograph to remember anything. │
Hi! 👋
Looking for config files... 📃
✨  Valid task found in `mnemocards.yaml` ✨
╭─ Note 0 ──╮
│ number: 0 │
╭─ Note 1 ──╮
│ number: 1 │
╭─ Note 2 ──╮
│ number: 2 │
See you soon! 🤙.

Configuration parameters

In the previous section, we generated a fixed number of cards using a hardcoded value inside the Python range function. However, we may want to change this value from our configuration file.

To achieve this, we can modify the NumberGenerator class to accept a parameter numbers_to_generate which defaults to 3. We can then use this parameter to control the number of cards to generate.
from mnemocards import Task

class NumberGenerator(Task):
    """Yield a series of numbers."""
    def __init__(self, numbers_to_generate=3):
        self.numbers_to_generate = numbers_to_generate

    def process(self, _):
        for i in range(self.numbers_to_generate):
            yield {"number": i}

If we do not modify our previous config file, numbers_to_generate will take the default value of 3, so the output will be the same.

Now, we can use this parameter in our YAML configuration file. In the following example, we set numbers_to_generate to 2:

  - type: plugin.NumberGenerator
    numbers_to_generate: 2
  - type: Print

The output of this pipeline shows that only two cards were generated:

╭─ Note 0 ──╮
│ number: 0 │
╭─ Note 1 ──╮
│ number: 1 │

By changing the value of numbers_to_generate in our YAML configuration file, we can easily control the number of cards generated by our pipeline. Any other parameter present in our YAML file will be passed to the __init__ method.

Upstream cards

Our implementation has a problem. Try to run this configuration file:

  - type: plugin.NumberGenerator
    numbers_to_generate: 1
  - type: plugin.NumberGenerator
    numbers_to_generate: 1
  - type: Print

We may think that we should get two cards, one from each generator:

╭─ Note 0 ──╮
│ number: 0 │
╭─ Note 1 ──╮
│ number: 0 │

However, what we actually get is:

╭─ Note 0 ──╮
│ number: 0 │

This card is generated by our second NumberGenerator, but the card from the first one is not reaching the Print task. Why? This is because the process method that we are using to inject data also receives an iterable of elements that come from the previous task. At the moment, we are completely ignoring the first argument of process, so if we want our generator not to ignore the previous cards, we need to modify our class as follows:
from mnemocards import Task

class NumberGenerator(Task):
    """Yield a series of numbers."""
    def __init__(self, numbers_to_generate=3):
        self.numbers_to_generate = numbers_to_generate

    def process(self, notes):
        yield from notes
        for i in range(self.numbers_to_generate):
            yield {"number": i}

Now we are giving a name to the notes parameter and we are making our generator return all the notes/dictionaries generated by the previous tasks first, and then inject its own. This way, the output will be as expected:

$ mnemocards run
║║║║║║║╣ ║║║║ ║│  ├─┤├┬┘ ││└─┐
╩ ╩╝╚╝╚═╝╩ ╩╚═╝└─┘┴ ┴┴└──┴┘└─┘ 1.0.0
│ My memory is so bad, I could plan my own surprise birthday party and still be surprised. │
Hi! 👋
Looking for config files... 📃
✨  Valid task found in `mnemocards.yaml` ✨
╭─ Note 0 ──╮
│ number: 0 │
╭─ Note 1 ──╮
│ number: 0 │
See you soon! 🤙

Process notes

Our previous task generates data. Let's create a task that just process the existing data. In the same file add the following class:
class NumberDouble(Task):
    """Create a `double` property with the value of `number` multiply by 2."""
    def process(self, notes):
        for note in notes:
            note["double"] = note["number"] * 2
            yield note

In the mnemocards.yaml file, include the following steps:

  - type: plugin.NumberGenerator
    numbers_to_generate: 3
  - type: plugin.NumberDouble
  - type: Print

The printed cards should be:

╭─ Note 0 ──╮
│ number: 0 │
│ double: 0 │
╭─ Note 1 ──╮
│ number: 1 │
│ double: 2 │
╭─ Note 2 ──╮
│ number: 2 │
│ double: 4 │

To simplify the code, you can overwrite the process_one method instead of process. This method receives one note at a time instead of an iterable with all the upstream notes:
class NumberDouble(Task):
    """Create a `double` property with the value of `number` multiply by 2."""
    def process_one(self, note):
        note["double"] = note["number"] * 2
        return note

The result should be exactly the same.

Sink tasks

In addition to generating and processing cards, it is also necessary to produce something with them. For instance, creating Anki decks. The Print function we have been using throughout this tutorial is also a way to perform an action with the pipeline data.

The following is an example of a custom print task, which inherits from the Task class and defines a process_one method that takes a note as input. The note is a dictionary containing the number and double fields.
class NumberPrint(Task):
    """Print number notes in a custom way."""
    def process_one(self, note):
        number = note["number"]
        double = note["double"]
        print(f"Number {number}, double {double}")
        return note


The return note is needed to keep the flow of notes. If no return is used the notes are not going to survive after the NumberPrint task. In other words, our task will act as a filter.

The task is then added to the pipeline along with the previously defined NumberGenerator and NumberDouble tasks:

  - type: plugin.NumberGenerator
    numbers_to_generate: 3
  - type: plugin.NumberDouble
  - type: plugin.NumberPrint

Finally, running the pipeline produces the following output:

Number 0, double 0
Number 1, double 2
Number 2, double 4

Complete code

See the complete code in the repo.


Using custom tasks in Mnemocards allows you to tailor the card processing pipeline to your specific needs. For example, you can create tasks to automatically generate pronunciations, add images or audio files, or perform complex text processing operations. The possibilities are endless, and with Mnemocards, you have the power to customize your flashcard creation process in any way you see fit.


This example will demonstrate how to create custom Mnemocards tasks to process your flashcards in any way you desire.

Read a detailed tutorial of this example in the official docs.