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TEP 0 - Tuberia Enhancement Proposals

Authors: guiferviz's profile picture guiferviz
Status: ✅ Active
Created: 2022-11-14
Tuberia version: 0.0.1

This first TEP introduces TEPs. Here we define what TEPs are, what process should be followed to propose one and what information they should contain.

What is a TEP?

TEP stands for Tuberia Enhancement Proposal. A TEP is a design document providing information to the Tuberia community, or describing a new feature for Tuberia or its processes or environment. TEP is to Tuberia what PEP is to Python. In fact, the first two sentences of this paragraph are an adaptation of the first lines of PEP 1 🙂.

Creation process

At the moment, the creation process is very simple:

  1. Create a new file inside docs/teps. The number of the new TEP should be chosen by adding 1 to the last existing TEP.
  2. Copy the header macro of this TEP and update the different values. Learn how to set the status in the following flow diagram.
  3. Write the document. See more about this point in the following section.
  4. Publish a PR to start the review/discussion.

Flow diagram that defines how to set an status:

graph TD
    Q{Required implementation?} -->|No| A[Active]
    Q -->|Yes| P[Planned]
    P -->|when implemented| A
    P -->|when no longer valid| D[Deprecated]
    A -->|when no longer valid| D

What a TEP should contain?

TEP files should be written in a friendly way, without assuming too much knowledge on the part of the reader. It is a technical document, but technical terms should not be abused.

A common structure is not required, just make sure it is comprehensible. Include an abstract after the metadata table at the beginning and organise the article into sections of your choice.